Well, not really.
More like it’s all because of your head…positioning that is!
Today’s quick physiotherapy tip will likely help you sort out some of your neck and shoulder pain, especially if you suffer from what we call Desk Jockey Syndrome (DJS).
While DJS may not be a recognized injury per se, we see enough of it here to know the fallout from being afflicted.
The Syndrome
If you’re like most people, sitting in front of a computer will cause you to adopt a very typical posture. This is the hallmark position of DJS.
Your head will protrude forward with your chin leading the way.
Your neck will be excessively extended to maintain your visual field directly in front of your ergonomic screen, if you’re so fortunate to even have one with such a special designation.
Your upper back and shoulders will be hunched up and rounded forward respectively, creating the distinct silhouette of none other than Quasimodo, the famed Hunchback of Notre Dame.
In fact, you’ll also likely be slouching through your lower back, what we call Posterior Pelvic Tilt in industry parlance.
All the above will combine to give you the prototypical DJS posture.
Instead of going into the details of how these postures over time can cause various aches, pains and issues such as headaches, how about we give you a few pointers on fixing the problem?
The fixes:
- Sit up tall: imagine a string attached to the crown of your head pulling you up to the ceiling by extending your spine.
- Tuck your chin in: lead with your nose and give yourself a slight double chin.
- Chest up: imagine a string attached to your breastbone pulling you up to the ceiling.
- Shoulders set: gently pull your shoulder blades down and back behind you, each toward the opposite butt pocket.
- Take deep breaths: often when in DJS positions, our breathing is shallow. Remember to stop and take a deep breath every so often.
- Change postures often: make sure you alter your position every 15 minutes.
Give the above 6 tips a consistent go for a good couple weeks and let us know if you feel better, have less neck and shoulder pain and if you feel a lot taller at the end of the day.
Yours in movement,
Team Primal
(inside Peak Performance Golf)