Classical acupuncture forms one component of an ancient traditional Chinese Medicine system of diagnosing and treating pain, dysfunction and disease. The Chinese believed it achieved these goals by bringing the body’s energy systems, the Yin and Yang, back into balance by allowing proper and unobstructed flow of this life force, or qi (pronounced “chi”), through the various interconnected meridians of the body.
Developed and refined over thousands of years without the knowledge available through current scientific research, it has been found to be successful in treating and managing numerous conditions, most notably pain.
Modern medical acupuncture now involves the typically painless insertion of very fines, sterile needles through the skin and tissues at specific points on the body using an anatomical and physiological approach. Current research, which continues to build on the ever-growing body of knowledge, suggests that the needles elicit specific nervous system responses, often involving the release of specific neurotransmitters (such as endogenous opioids, which are involved in decreasing pain).
Medical acupuncture, in the hands of a trained practitioner and used on the appropriate patients, is considered a safe and effective method of encouraging tissue healing, controlling and relieving pain and improving function of affected areas with very little risk of adverse reactions.
For more information on medical acupuncture, click on the following link:
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